Thursday, July 31, 2008

Beasiswa di Unikom

Sejak Unikom berdiri pada tahun 2000 hingga pertengahan tahun 2003 telah diberikan beasiswa kepada 4.728 mahasiswa. Beasiswa tersebut terdiri dari :

1. Beasiswa Yayasan Science & Technology
2. Beasiswa Rektor Unikom
3. Beasiswa Penelusuran Minat dan Kemampuan ( PMDK )
4. Beasiswa Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik ( PPA )
5. Beasiswa Bantuan Belajar Mahasiswa ( BBM )
6. Beasiswa Supersemar
7. Beasiswa Pemerintah Daerah
8. Beasiswa Mahasiswa Asing
9. Beasiswa Perusahaan Swasta

Detail of the bursary Acceptance since 2002, are :

No. Subject Of Donor Year Amount
2002-2005 2006
1. Foundation 64 5 69
2. Rector 12 4 16
3. PMDK 5.042 1.046 6.088
4. PPA 45 20 65
5. BBM 480 110 590
6. Supersemar 3 0 3
7. Local Government 7 0 7
8. Abroad Student 6 0 6

Factor of Consideration in giving bursary, are:

1. By word student mount university, majors or faculty
2. Owning IP or high IPK
3. Result of selection by UNIKOM team
4. Student from indigent family
5. Owning special achievement in artistry area or sport
6. Active in student organization
7. Existence of recommendation from the country

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